
Fundraising options and marketing approaches fo...
TLDR: Part 1 - Fundraising options Sponsorship Events Grants and funding Crowdfunding Corporate partnerships Online Games Lotto Part 2 - Promoting fundraisers Use a variety of marketing channels Create compelling...
Fundraising options and marketing approaches fo...
TLDR: Part 1 - Fundraising options Sponsorship Events Grants and funding Crowdfunding Corporate partnerships Online Games Lotto Part 2 - Promoting fundraisers Use a variety of marketing channels Create compelling...

What game types do iPredict have for fundraisin...
iPredict Games GAME 1: Prediction of the individual matches Example: We have a live weekly Premier League fundraiser game with Coill Dubh from Kildare. This can be set up a...
What game types do iPredict have for fundraisin...
iPredict Games GAME 1: Prediction of the individual matches Example: We have a live weekly Premier League fundraiser game with Coill Dubh from Kildare. This can be set up a...