
ChangeStorm Premier League ScorePlay Prediction...
Are you a devoted football aficionado with a heart for positive change? Your passions are about to align perfectly. ChangeStorm Non Profit introduces an exhilarating fundraising initiative that merges your...
ChangeStorm Premier League ScorePlay Prediction...
Are you a devoted football aficionado with a heart for positive change? Your passions are about to align perfectly. ChangeStorm Non Profit introduces an exhilarating fundraising initiative that merges your...

How does predicting improve your ability to cri...
Predicting can help improve critical thinking skills by encouraging people to consider multiple perspectives, evaluate different possibilities, and be open-minded to new information. Predicting involves gathering and analysing information, weighing...
How does predicting improve your ability to cri...
Predicting can help improve critical thinking skills by encouraging people to consider multiple perspectives, evaluate different possibilities, and be open-minded to new information. Predicting involves gathering and analysing information, weighing...

Fundraising options and marketing approaches fo...
TLDR: Part 1 - Fundraising options Sponsorship Events Grants and funding Crowdfunding Corporate partnerships Online Games Lotto Part 2 - Promoting fundraisers Use a variety of marketing channels Create compelling...
Fundraising options and marketing approaches fo...
TLDR: Part 1 - Fundraising options Sponsorship Events Grants and funding Crowdfunding Corporate partnerships Online Games Lotto Part 2 - Promoting fundraisers Use a variety of marketing channels Create compelling...

What game types do iPredict have for fundraisin...
iPredict Games GAME 1: Prediction of the individual matches Example: We have a live weekly Premier League fundraiser game with Coill Dubh from Kildare. This can be set up a...
What game types do iPredict have for fundraisin...
iPredict Games GAME 1: Prediction of the individual matches Example: We have a live weekly Premier League fundraiser game with Coill Dubh from Kildare. This can be set up a...

Micheál Schlingermann | League of Ireland journ...
New Athlone Town signing Micheál Schlingermann joined Jonathan for an in-depth and honest chat about his career to date. We hear about the harsh reality of being a League of...
Micheál Schlingermann | League of Ireland journ...
New Athlone Town signing Micheál Schlingermann joined Jonathan for an in-depth and honest chat about his career to date. We hear about the harsh reality of being a League of...

What are Coill Dubh AFC Fundraising for?
Trevor McLoughlin from Coill Dubh AFC joined Jonathan to discuss their Donate Play iPredict club fundraiser.
What are Coill Dubh AFC Fundraising for?
Trevor McLoughlin from Coill Dubh AFC joined Jonathan to discuss their Donate Play iPredict club fundraiser.