Explaining the league table

League Table Overview

The league table ranks players based on their ScorePlay Points, which are highlighted in bold to show their significance. These points are the primary factor in determining standings within the Play iPredict game.

For example, GazB16 is currently leading the standings in the image provided. You can easily see the outcomes of each game they have predicted. A yellow line beneath the prediction indicates that the user ScorePlayed that match, such as Gaz predicting a Manchester United win. After the matches are locked, you'll be able to see everyone’s predictions and whether they ScorePlayed that particular game.

Only in the event of a tie on ScorePlay points, Total Points are used to determine the final rankings.

On the right-hand side of the table, you can explore the detailed predictions of each player for both the current and previous gameweeks. This includes how points were awarded or deducted. For instance, Paul Madz lost three points for incorrectly predicting a draw in the Brentford vs. Crystal Palace game, and another three points for predicting a Spurs win in a match that ended in a draw against Leicester City.

The league table updates live during Premier League matches, so when a team scores, the outcomes on the league table will adjust in real-time, keeping your rankings up to date.